Are you new to Immaculate Heart of Mary? We Welcome you! We are a very vibrant and active parish in Brentwood whose mission is, “With Mary, we seek to know Christ better and to make him better known through our words and actions.” We do this in a variety of ways through our several sacramental prep programs, social outreach, as well as our active ministries, Bible studies, and an energetic youth program. We also LOVE new parishioners. Even though we are unable at this time to gather for ministry meetings many of the ministries are finding ways to stay connected through Zoom. If you are not yet registered, please call the parish office at 925-634-4154 and ask for Ana. She will be happy to mail you a registration form or you can go on line and register at: Bishop’s Appeal Thank you for your generosity and support in the past to the “Bishop’s Appeal”. If you are financially able, please thoughtfully and prayerfully consider joining our efforts this year by making a gift or pledge of financial support. Jesus Christ promised us at His Ascension: “I will be with you all days until the end of the ages.” If Christ has helped you and your family, if He has been generous to you, will you consider sharing some of the blessings you have received with Christ and His Church? Although we call it “The Bishop’s Appeal,” it is really Christ’s appeal. Thank you in advance for your love and generosity. No gift is too small. Gracias por su generosidad y apoyo en el pasado al "Apelacion del Obispo". Si tiene la posibilidad de hacerlo, por fav or, considere en oración unirse a nuestros esfuerzos este año haciendo un regalo o promesa de apoyo financiero. Jesucristo nos prometió en su Ascensión: "Estaré con vosotros todos los días hasta el fin de los tiempos". Si Cristo le ha ayudado a usted y a su familia, si ha sido generoso con usted, ¿consideraría compartir algunas de las bendiciones que ha recibido con Cristo y su Iglesia? Aunque lo llamamos "Apelacion del Obispo", en realidad es la llamada de Cristo. Gracias de antemano por su amor y generosidad. No importa el tamano de la donacion. Knights of Columbus/Italian Catholic Federation PANCAKE BREAKFAST Come visit with your fellow parishioners and welcome our new parishioners at the pancake breakfast on the first Sunday of each month. Next Sunday will be co- sponsored with the Ministries of the Widow and Widowers and the IHM Crafters. Hours are 8:15am to 12:00pm.

Caballeros de Colón y la Federación Católica Italiana

DESAYUNO DE PANQUECAS Vengán a visitar con sus amigos parroquianos y darles la bienvenida a los nuevos parroquianos al desayuno de pancakes el primer Domingo de cada mes. El próximo domingo el desayuno será patrocinado por los Ministerios de las viudas y Viudos y el de Los Artesanos de ICM (IHM Crafters). Horario del desayuno es de 8:15am a 12:00pm CONGRATULATIONS!!! TO THE 2024 SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS Scholarships for 2024 graduating High School and continuing College students have been selected. Funding comes from the Knights, Italian Catholic Federation, Pancake Breakfast parish parishioners, Crafty Quilters and Fil-Am donors. Thank you to all who help make thispossible. Congratulations and Good Luck in your further pursuit of your education! Ethan Cruz / Matthew Colon Stella Diaz / Gabriel Figueroa Marco Estrada / Vanesa Navarro Dominic Estrada / Lyena Monis Patrick Cruz / Sophia Ochoa-Aragon Isabella Caltagirone / Allison Bell Blood Drive Knights of Columbus Council 7467 Tuesday, July 18, 2024 – 9:00am-3:00pm (By Appointment only – Masks & Social Distancing Required) Immaculate Heart of Mary, Fr. Garcia Hall, 500 Fairview Avenue, Brentwood “Give a bit of yourself and save someone else” For an appointment, please visit : or call 1-800-REDCROSS (1-800-733-2767) Summer With The Son Please park correctly / Por favor, estacione correctamente Thank you for not parking in red zones. However, we would appreciate if you could be sure to park straight in the parking stalls. We have noticed several open parking spaces because cars are parked at an angle or over the lines. If everyone would be better at parking straight there would be more available parking spaces. Again thank you for your cooperation. Gracias por no estacionar en las zonas rojas. Sin embargo, le agradeceríamos que se asegure de estacionar derecho en los puestos de estacionamiento. Hemos notado varios espacios de estacionamiento vacios porque los autos están mal estacionados, en angulo o sobre la linea blanca. Si todos pudieran estacionar derechos habrian mas puestos libres para estacionar. De nuevo gracias por su cooperacion. Widow/Widower Support Group Widow/Widower Support Group will continue to meet in the IHM Library every Thursday from 5-6:15 pm until June 5, 2024. Optional dinner with the group after the meeting at local Restaurants that give separate checks. During the months of JUNE/JULY/AUGUST …….. (June 5-Aug 28) we will meet at Veterans Park, 3841 Balfour Road, Brentwood, near bocce ball courts on WEDNESDAYS at 10:30 am. Please bring yours own chair. Optional lunch with the group after meeting. We will also continue our monthly gatherings offsite at 443 Tayberry Lane, Brentwood. Contact Mary Ann Smith for dates/times at: 925-240-1706. We will return to IHM Library every Thursday beginning on September 5, at 5-6:15 pm. Altar Server Invitation The Altar Server Ministry is accepting new applicants. To be eligible, your family must be registered in the parish, you must have made First Communion, and have a willingness to serve our Lord at the altar. If you are interested, please contact Tim Guernsey at, or call 925-457-4519. Our current SPRED needs your help! Our current SPRED (Special Religious Education Department) is growing and we need your help! All we need is for you to share your gift in the environment of a small group as a catechist. Training is provided this June 22. Blessings are promised! Please call our Director of Faith Formation, Linda Kortuem, 925-634-4154, x117 or email Please visit the Diocese of Oakland website, to learn more about SPRED. Join adult volunteer SPRED Join adult volunteer SPRED (Special Religious Education Department) catechists in a small group prepare a sacred environment for our group (ages 11 -16) with developmental disabilities to grow in, experience and share their faith! One day training provided June 22. If you feel called to serve our community please contact Director of Faith Formation Linda Kortuem, 925-634-4154 x117 or To learn more about SPRED visit: BIBLES BEHIND BARS - DONATE YOUR USED BIBLES FOR INMATES IN THE DIOCESE OF OAKLAND Paperback only, no hardback or leather cover All Bible versions and languages accepted Also accepted: Catechisms and RCIA books Only complete Bibles: Old and New Testament Good condition only No name and minimal writing inside No expired devotional materials Organized by the Detention Ministry, Life & Social Justice Office. Questions/for pick up please contact Kiona Medina:

An Invitation to Serve from St. Vincent de Paul @


Are you a naturally caring, compassionate, and giving person? If so, our St. Vincent de Paul Conference would like you to come and share your gifts with people in need by joining us here at IHM. We are looking for new members, men, women, young people, from our parish community. You probably know we have a food pantry, where Christians from many religions, not just Catholic, give food to low-income families in Brentwood. While we appreciate everyone’s help, we desperately need more SVdP members to help with the other work we do to serve the poor. Our Society has adopted the phrase “no work of charity is foreign to our Society”, which helps us target our Service to the Poor. Being a part of our Conference, means you will be doing God’s work, you will grow Spiritually, be working with a dedicated group of Vincentians and make new friends. Doing God’s work is not always easy but does have its rewards.If you are interested in learning more, please contact us at: Message from St. Vincent de Paul On the last Sunday in June, the 2nd collection will be for St. Vincent de Paul here at Immaculate Heart of Mary. St. Vincent de Paul at IHM is very grateful to the parishioners for their ongoing support in the work we do to help those less fortunate. As you know we have a food pantry every Friday morning, but we also do a lot of other work. We try to assist those who come to us for various types of help, often overdue bills, usually caused by someone in the family out of work for some time, a sickness in the family, a death in the family, or other things which make them unable to pay their normal bills. We try to be very compassionate, but many times the amount due is well over our ability to help. We often must go to other agencies to partner with to try to come up with the necessary funds to avoid eviction, utilities shut off, etc. Bless you for your generosity. For the weekend of June 30, please bring canned milk. THANK YOU! For the weekend of July 7 please bring canned vegetables. THANK YOU! +++ Para el fin de semana del 30 de junio, por favor traigan leche enlatada. GRACIAS! Para el fin de semana del 7 de julio, por favor traigan vegetales enlatados. THANK YOU! GRACIAS! SALAMAT! We wish to acknowledge the parishioners for not parking in red zones. The Brentwood Police Department will still be checking on illegal parked cars, so please don’t risk getting a ticket. Deseamos agradecer a los feligreses por no estacionar en las zonas rojas. El Departamento de Policía de Brentwood, seguirá revisando los autos estacionados ilegalmente, así que por favor no corran el riesgo de recibir una multa. Brentwood Police Department will be invited / Invitaremos a nuestra parroquia al Departamento de Policía de Brentwood Brentwood Police Department will be invited on site to issue citations to those parked in the DRIVEWAYS, WALKWAYS, RED ZONES and BLUE HANDICAPPED SPACES (without posted permit). Please cooperate. Fr. Quang Invitaremos a nuestra parroquia al Departamento de Policía de Brentwood para que de tiquetes de multa a los vehículos que estén estacionados en el cruza para peatones, caminos de entrada, ZONAS ROJAS y ESPACIOS AZULES PARA INCAPACITADOS (Que no tienen permiso de estación en esos puestos). Por favor necesitamos su cooperación. Padre Quang Medical Emergency We have had medical emergencies during two of our Masses . When the ambulance and fire department arrived, they had to maneuver around cars illegally parked. This caused a delay in their response time for the emergency. Every second counts in an emergency situation. Please, do not double park or park in any red zones when you come to Mass. You may be saving a life! Soon we will have signs posted and the Brentwood Police Department will be ticketing.

Attention: / Atención:

If you or your children are sick, please stay home. Remember we do provide live

streaming of Mass for those who are home bound and cannot come to Mass at 9am

English on Sundays and 10:45 am Spanish. It is ok to stay home if someone in your

family is sick.

****** Si ud o sus hijos están enfermos favor de quedarse en casa. Recuerde que ofrecemos transmisión en vivo de la misa para aquellos que están confinados en sus casas y no pueden asistir a misa los domingos a las 9am en Ingles y a las 10:45am en Español. Está bien quedarse en casa si alguien de su familia esta enfermo. Please read: The result of the INVESTIGATION OF POSSIBLE MIRACLE DURING 2023 MARIAN CONFERENCE. [CLICK HERE] Ads for the bulletin:/Avisos para el boletín: Ads for the bulletin: We are requesting if you are a business owner or know a business owner to consider placing an ad in our bulletin. It is the ads that allow us to have a bulletin weekly with no cost to us. For Ads call: 1-800-950-9952 LPI or email Thank you!! Avisos para el boletín: Estamos solicitando que si usted es dueño de un negocio o conoce a un dueño de un negocio, considere poner un anuncio en nuestro boletín. Son los anuncios los que nos permiten tener un boletín semanal sin costo alguno para nosotros. Por favor llame para colocar el anuncio al 1-800-950-9952 LPI o correo electronico Gracias!! Ministry of Caring/Counseling Grief comes in many ways, death of a spouse, child, parent, divorce. It also comes in new surroundings and loss of a job. IHM has a ministry that helps those in need to get support through one-on-one counseling and group meetings. We welcome all those in need. For further information, please call Sandy Heinisch at 925-628-1503. Check out our Parish Library Delve deeper into our Faith with books on Jesus; Mary; Catholic Instruction; Mass; Sacraments; Theology/Philosophy; Prayers and Poetry; Popes and Saints. Our Library is open Sundays from 10:30am to 2:00pm and Wednesdays from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. Come in and “check us out.” Nuestra Libreria esta abrierta los domingos de las 10:30am a las 2:00pm y los miercoles de 3:00pm a 5:00pm. Vengan a visitarnos. Safe Environment For All IHM Volunteers and Staff Virtus Retraining Instructions 30 days before your retraining is due, Virtus will have sent you an email with retraining instructions for your recertification course. Please follow the prompts to retrain. There is no need to register or create a new account. To check if you need to retrain: log in to your Virtus account: using your login credentials. If you have forgotten your password or your user ID simply click the need Log in help under the existing user. When you are logged in, the help screen will give you all the necessary information you need for training. Ambiente Seguro Para Todos Los Voluntarios Y Personal Del IHM Instrucciones De Reentrenamiento Virtus 30 días antes de que se deba volver a entrenar, Virtus le habrá enviado un correo electrónico con instrucciones de reentrenamiento para su curso de recertificación. Por favor, siga las indicaciones para volver a entrenar. No es necesario registrarse ni crear una nueva cuenta. Para comprobar si necesita volver a entrenarse inicie sesión a virtus al: con sus credenciales de inicio de sesión. Si se ha olvidado de su credencial de inicio o su contrasena, simplemente haga un clic en la ayuda de inicio de sesión en el cuadro de usuario existente. Cuando haya iniciado la sesión, la pantalla de Esperanza le proporcionara toda la informacion necesaria que necesita para obtener informacion de capacitacion. Hours of Adoration/Horas de Adoración Hours of Adoration are on Thursdays from 8:30AM to 6:00PM. On Fridays, Adoration begins at 8:30am and Continues until 7:30am on Saturday. Please pray for increased vocations. Horas de Adoración son los jueves de 8:30AM a 6:00PM. Adoración los viernes empieza a las 8:30AM y continúa hasta el sábado a las 7:30AM. Por favor recen para que aumenten las vocaciones. Promise: I promise to the soul that visits Me frequently in this Sacrament of Love, that I will receive it affectionately together with all the Blessed and the Angels in Heaven, and that each of its visits will be written down in the Book of its life and I will grant to it. CONTRA COSTA FOOD BANK The Contra Costa Food Bank Mobile Produce Distribution Program distributes FREE produce on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month in the IHM parking lot from 12:00 noon to 1:00pm to families in need. This program is only for low-income families. Warning!¡Advertencia! Chapel candles must be purchased in the Office. Please do not bring your own as they are not meant to burn in our glass holders and could cause a fire. Las velas de la capilla se deben comprar en la oficina. No traigan las suyas, ya que no están destinadas a quemarse en nuestros envases de vidrio y pueden provocar un incendio. Gracias. Donate Your Car We will pick up ANY vehicle within 48 hours in all 50 States. Free towing. 100% tax deductible. Donations used to fund the many charitable activities of the Knights of Columbus Brentwood Council #7467. Call: 925-529-2019

From the Oakland Diocese:

The Diocese of Oakland warns the public of an ongoing phishing scam involving emails and texts purportedly from Bishop Barber, diocesan priests or parish/Chancery staff. This scam has hit many parishes across the United States, as well as other faith communities… +++++ La Diócesis de Oakland advierte al público de una continua estafa de phishing que involucra correos electrónicos y textos supuestamente del Obispo Barber, sacerdotes diocesanos o personal de la parroquia/cancillería. Esta estafa ha afectado a muchas parroquias de los Estados Unidos, así como a otras comunidades religiosas… FORMED We now HAVE FORMED.ORG Simply open a web browser and type in: - Go to the lower right hand side and click on “Register” and follow the prompts. Our IHM code is: CM7TFZ For free movies, audio books, talks, studies and more!
Are you new to Immaculate Heart of Mary? We Welcome you! We are a very vibrant and active parish in Brentwood whose mission is, “With Mary, we seek to know Christ better and to make him better known through our words and actions.” We do this in a variety of ways through our several sacramental prep programs, social outreach, as well as our active ministries, Bible studies, and an energetic youth program. We also LOVE new parishioners. Even though we are unable at this time to gather for ministry meetings many of the ministries are finding ways to stay connected through Zoom. If you are not yet registered, please call the parish office at 925-634-4154 and ask for Ana. She will be happy to mail you a registration form or you can go on line and register at: Bishop’s Appeal Thank you for your generosity and support in the past to the “Bishop’s Appeal”. If you are financially able, please thoughtfully and prayerfully consider joining our efforts this year by making a gift or pledge of financial support. Jesus Christ promised us at His Ascension: “I will be with you all days until the end of the ages.” If Christ has helped you and your family, if He has been generous to you, will you consider sharing some of the blessings you have received with Christ and His Church? Although we call it “The Bishop’s Appeal,” it is really Christ’s appeal. Thank you in advance for your love and generosity. No gift is too small. Gracias por su generosidad y apoyo en el pasado al "Apelacion del Obispo". Si tiene la posibilidad de hacerlo, por fav or, considere en oración unirse a nuestros esfuerzos este año haciendo un regalo o promesa de apoyo financiero. Jesucristo nos prometió en su Ascensión: "Estaré con vosotros todos los días hasta el fin de los tiempos". Si Cristo le ha ayudado a usted y a su familia, si ha sido generoso con usted, ¿consideraría compartir algunas de las bendiciones que ha recibido con Cristo y su Iglesia? Aunque lo llamamos "Apelacion del Obispo", en realidad es la llamada de Cristo. Gracias de antemano por su amor y generosidad. No importa el tamano de la donacion. Knights of Columbus/Italian Catholic Federation PANCAKE BREAKFAST Come visit with your fellow parishioners and welcome our new parishioners at the pancake breakfast on the first Sunday of each month. Next Sunday will be co-sponsored with the Ministries of the Widow and Widowers and the IHM Crafters. Hours are 8:15am to 12:00pm.

Caballeros de Colón y la Federación Católica


DESAYUNO DE PANQUECAS Vengán a visitar con sus amigos parroquianos y darles la bienvenida a los nuevos parroquianos al desayuno de pancakes el primer Domingo de cada mes. El próximo domingo el desayuno será patrocinado por los Ministerios de las viudas y Viudos y el de Los Artesanos de ICM (IHM Crafters). Horario del desayuno es de 8:15am a 12:00pm CONGRATULATIONS!!! TO THE 2024 SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS Scholarships for 2024 graduating High School and continuing College students have been selected. Funding comes from the Knights, Italian Catholic Federation, Pancake Breakfast parish parishioners, Crafty Quilters and Fil-Am donors. Thank you to all who help make thispossible. Congratulations and Good Luck in your further pursuit of your education! Ethan Cruz / Matthew Colon Stella Diaz / Gabriel Figueroa Marco Estrada / Vanesa Navarro Dominic Estrada / Lyena Monis Patrick Cruz / Sophia Ochoa-Aragon Isabella Caltagirone / Allison Bell Blood Drive Knights of Columbus Council 7467 Tuesday, July 18, 2024 – 9:00am-3:00pm (By Appointment only – Masks & Social Distancing Required) Immaculate Heart of Mary, Fr. Garcia Hall, 500 Fairview Avenue, Brentwood “Give a bit of yourself and save someone else” For an appointment, please visit : or call 1-800-REDCROSS (1-800-733-2767) Summer With The Son Please park correctly / Por favor, estacione correctamente Thank you for not parking in red zones. However, we would appreciate if you could be sure to park straight in the parking stalls. We have noticed several open parking spaces because cars are parked at an angle or over the lines. If everyone would be better at parking straight there would be more available parking spaces. Again thank you for your cooperation. Gracias por no estacionar en las zonas rojas. Sin embargo, le agradeceríamos que se asegure de estacionar derecho en los puestos de estacionamiento. Hemos notado varios espacios de estacionamiento vacios porque los autos están mal estacionados, en angulo o sobre la linea blanca. Si todos pudieran estacionar derechos habrian mas puestos libres para estacionar. De nuevo gracias por su cooperacion. Widow/Widower Support Group Widow/Widower Support Group will continue to meet in the IHM Library every Thursday from 5-6:15 pm until June 5, 2024. Optional dinner with the group after the meeting at local Restaurants that give separate checks. During the months of JUNE/JULY/AUGUST …….. (June 5-Aug 28) we will meet at Veterans Park, 3841 Balfour Road, Brentwood, near bocce ball courts on WEDNESDAYS at 10:30 am. Please bring yours own chair. Optional lunch with the group after meeting. We will also continue our monthly gatherings offsite at 443 Tayberry Lane, Brentwood. Contact Mary Ann Smith for dates/times at: 925-240-1706. We will return to IHM Library every Thursday beginning on September 5, at 5-6:15 pm. Altar Server Invitation The Altar Server Ministry is accepting new applicants. To be eligible, your family must be registered in the parish, you must have made First Communion, and have a willingness to serve our Lord at the altar. If you are interested, please contact Tim Guernsey at, or call 925-457-4519. Our current SPRED needs your help! Our current SPRED (Special Religious Education Department) is growing and we need your help! All we need is for you to share your gift in the environment of a small group as a catechist. Training is provided this June 22. Blessings are promised! Please call our Director of Faith Formation, Linda Kortuem, 925-634- 4154, x117 or email Please visit the Diocese of Oakland website, to learn more about SPRED. Join adult volunteer SPRED Join adult volunteer SPRED (Special Religious Education Department) catechists in a small group prepare a sacred environment for our group (ages 11 -16) with developmental disabilities to grow in, experience and share their faith! One day training provided June 22. If you feel called to serve our community please contact Director of Faith Formation Linda Kortuem, 925-634-4154 x117 or To learn more about SPRED visit: BIBLES BEHIND BARS - DONATE YOUR USED BIBLES FOR INMATES IN THE DIOCESE OF OAKLAND Paperback only, no hardback or leather cover All Bible versions and languages accepted Also accepted: Catechisms and RCIA books Only complete Bibles: Old and New Testament Good condition only No name and minimal writing inside No expired devotional materials Organized by the Detention Ministry, Life & Social Justice Office. Questions/for pick up please contact Kiona Medina:

An Invitation to Serve from St. Vincent de

Paul @ IHM

Are you a naturally caring, compassionate, and giving person? If so, our St. Vincent de Paul Conference would like you to come and share your gifts with people in need by joining us here at IHM. We are looking for new members, men, women, young people, from our parish community. You probably know we have a food pantry, where Christians from many religions, not just Catholic, give food to low-income families in Brentwood. While we appreciate everyone’s help, we desperately need more SVdP members to help with the other work we do to serve the poor. Our Society has adopted the phrase “no work of charity is foreign to our Society”, which helps us target our Service to the Poor. Being a part of our Conference, means you will be doing God’s work, you will grow Spiritually, be working with a dedicated group of Vincentians and make new friends. Doing God’s work is not always easy but does have its rewards.If you are interested in learning more, please contact us at: Message from St. Vincent de Paul On the last Sunday in June, the 2nd collection will be for St. Vincent de Paul here at Immaculate Heart of Mary. St. Vincent de Paul at IHM is very grateful to the parishioners for their ongoing support in the work we do to help those less fortunate. As you know we have a food pantry every Friday morning, but we also do a lot of other work. We try to assist those who come to us for various types of help, often overdue bills, usually caused by someone in the family out of work for some time, a sickness in the family, a death in the family, or other things which make them unable to pay their normal bills. We try to be very compassionate, but many times the amount due is well over our ability to help. We often must go to other agencies to partner with to try to come up with the necessary funds to avoid eviction, utilities shut off, etc. Bless you for your generosity. For the weekend of June 30, please bring canned milk. THANK YOU! For the weekend of July 7 please bring canned vegetables. THANK YOU! +++ Para el fin de semana del 30 de junio, por favor traigan leche enlatada. GRACIAS! Para el fin de semana del 7 de julio, por favor traigan vegetales enlatados. THANK YOU! GRACIAS! SALAMAT! We wish to acknowledge the parishioners for not parking in red zones. The Brentwood Police Department will still be checking on illegal parked cars, so please don’t risk getting a ticket. Deseamos agradecer a los feligreses por no estacionar en las zonas rojas. El Departamento de Policía de Brentwood, seguirá revisando los autos estacionados ilegalmente, así que por favor no corran el riesgo de recibir una multa. Brentwood Police Department will be invited / Invitaremos a nuestra parroquia al Departamento de Policía de Brentwood Brentwood Police Department will be invited on site to issue citations to those parked in the DRIVEWAYS, WALKWAYS, RED ZONES and BLUE HANDICAPPED SPACES (without posted permit). Please cooperate. Fr. Quang Invitaremos a nuestra parroquia al Departamento de Policía de Brentwood para que de tiquetes de multa a los vehículos que estén estacionados en el cruza para peatones, caminos de entrada, ZONAS ROJAS y ESPACIOS AZULES PARA INCAPACITADOS (Que no tienen permiso de estación en esos puestos). Por favor necesitamos su cooperación. Padre Quang Medical Emergency We have had medical emergencies during two of our Masses . When the ambulance and fire department arrived, they had to maneuver around cars illegally parked. This caused a delay in their response time for the emergency. Every second counts in an emergency situation. Please, do not double park or park in any red zones when you come to Mass. You may be saving a life! Soon we will have signs posted and the Brentwood Police Department will be ticketing.

Attention: / Atención:

If you or your children are sick, please stay home. Remember we do

provide live streaming of Mass for those who are home bound and

cannot come to Mass at 9am English on Sundays and 10:45 am

Spanish. It is ok to stay home if someone in your family is sick.

****** Si ud o sus hijos están enfermos favor de quedarse en casa. Recuerde que ofrecemos transmisión en vivo de la misa para aquellos que están confinados en sus casas y no pueden asistir a misa los domingos a las 9am en Ingles y a las 10:45am en Español. Está bien quedarse en casa si alguien de su familia esta enfermo. Please read: The result of the INVESTIGATION OF POSSIBLE MIRACLE DURING 2023 MARIAN CONFERENCE. [CLICK HERE] Ads for the bulletin:/Avisos para el boletín: Ads for the bulletin: We are requesting if you are a business owner or know a business owner to consider placing an ad in our bulletin. It is the ads that allow us to have a bulletin weekly with no cost to us. For Ads call: 1-800-950-9952 LPI or email Thank you!! Avisos para el boletín: Estamos solicitando que si usted es dueño de un negocio o conoce a un dueño de un negocio, considere poner un anuncio en nuestro boletín. Son los anuncios los que nos permiten tener un boletín semanal sin costo alguno para nosotros. Por favor llame para colocar el anuncio al 1-800-950-9952 LPI o correo electronico Gracias!! Ministry of Caring/Counseling Grief comes in many ways, death of a spouse, child, parent, divorce. It also comes in new surroundings and loss of a job. IHM has a ministry that helps those in need to get support through one-on-one counseling and group meetings. We welcome all those in need. For further information, please call Sandy Heinisch at 925-628-1503. Check out our Parish Library Delve deeper into our Faith with books on Jesus; Mary; Catholic Instruction; Mass; Sacraments; Theology/Philosophy; Prayers and Poetry; Popes and Saints. Our Library is open Sundays from 10:30am to 2:00pm and Wednesdays from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. Come in and “check us out.” Nuestra Libreria esta abrierta los domingos de las 10:30am a las 2:00pm y los miercoles de 3:00pm a 5:00pm. Vengan a visitarnos. Safe Environment For All IHM Volunteers and Staff Virtus Retraining Instructions 30 days before your retraining is due, Virtus will have sent you an email with retraining instructions for your recertification course. Please follow the prompts to retrain. There is no need to register or create a new account. To check if you need to retrain: log in to your Virtus account: using your login credentials. If you have forgotten your password or your user ID simply click the need Log in help under the existing user. When you are logged in, the help screen will give you all the necessary information you need for training. Ambiente Seguro Para Todos Los Voluntarios Y Personal Del IHM Instrucciones De Reentrenamiento Virtus 30 días antes de que se deba volver a entrenar, Virtus le habrá enviado un correo electrónico con instrucciones de reentrenamiento para su curso de recertificación. Por favor, siga las indicaciones para volver a entrenar. No es necesario registrarse ni crear una nueva cuenta. Para comprobar si necesita volver a entrenarse inicie sesión a virtus al: con sus credenciales de inicio de sesión. Si se ha olvidado de su credencial de inicio o su contrasena, simplemente haga un clic en la ayuda de inicio de sesión en el cuadro de usuario existente. Cuando haya iniciado la sesión, la pantalla de Esperanza le proporcionara toda la informacion necesaria que necesita para obtener informacion de capacitacion. Hours of Adoration/Horas de Adoración Hours of Adoration are on Thursdays from 8:30AM to 6:00PM. On Fridays, Adoration begins at 8:30am and Continues until 7:30am on Saturday. Please pray for increased vocations. Horas de Adoración son los jueves de 8:30AM a 6:00PM. Adoración los viernes empieza a las 8:30AM y continúa hasta el sábado a las 7:30AM. Por favor recen para que aumenten las vocaciones. Promise: I promise to the soul that visits Me frequently in this Sacrament of Love, that I will receive it affectionately together with all the Blessed and the Angels in Heaven, and that each of its visits will be written down in the Book of its life and I will grant to it. CONTRA COSTA FOOD BANK The Contra Costa Food Bank Mobile Produce Distribution Program distributes FREE produce on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month in the IHM parking lot from 12:00 noon to 1:00pm to families in need. This program is only for low-income families. Warning!¡Advertencia! Chapel candles must be purchased in the Office. Please do not bring your own as they are not meant to burn in our glass holders and could cause a fire. Las velas de la capilla se deben comprar en la oficina. No traigan las suyas, ya que no están destinadas a quemarse en nuestros envases de vidrio y pueden provocar un incendio. Gracias. Donate Your Car We will pick up ANY vehicle within 48 hours in all 50 States. Free towing. 100% tax deductible. Donations used to fund the many charitable activities of the Knights of Columbus Brentwood Council #7467. Call: 925-529-2019

From the Oakland Diocese:

The Diocese of Oakland warns the public of an ongoing phishing scam involving emails and texts purportedly from Bishop Barber, diocesan priests or parish/Chancery staff. This scam has hit many parishes across the United States, as well as other faith communities… +++++ La Diócesis de Oakland advierte al público de una continua estafa de phishing que involucra correos electrónicos y textos supuestamente del Obispo Barber, sacerdotes diocesanos o personal de la parroquia/cancillería. Esta estafa ha afectado a muchas parroquias de los Estados Unidos, así como a otras comunidades religiosas… FORMED We now HAVE FORMED.ORG Simply open a web browser and type in: - Go to the lower right hand side and click on “Register” and follow the prompts. Our IHM code is: CM7TFZ For free movies, audio books, talks, studies and more!